The Dark Prison Massacre - Deformity of Human Consciousness

The Dark Prison Massacre - Deformity of Human Consciousness (2017)

The Dark Prison Massacre is one of the only Chinese bands I really listen to. There's not many that I've really come across, but I really fucking dig this band.

I like the use of what I believe is a guzheng. The first time I heard Silence of Decay, before I knew they were from China, the guzheng breakdown was genuinely jarring. Like whiplash. But it's so fucking good for some reason. Something in the way it's mixed maybe? Like how the guitar in that breakdown just mixes perfectly? Beats me. But that brings me to another point; the samples. I'm not usually a big fan of samples. A couple here and there are cool, but I especially like when they're put in the middle of a song and just break up sections of the song and only last a couple seconds. And The Dark Prison Massacre sort of eases into the next section while the sample is playing and I think it sounds badass.

I also like the vocals. I don't know what the fuck they're saying, regardless of what language it even is. And when the second dude with the high-pitched screams (I assume it's not the same guy, otherwise that is fucking incredible) comes in it sounds cool.

Faget by Korn was an interesting cover, as well. The instrumentals mostly sound the same and it's like just the vocals changed, and it sounds cool as shit. I love nu-metal as much as the next guy but it's not the first thing I think of when I think of a slam cover, but they fucking killed it.

Favorite Song:
Sure as hell not Electric Shock. I like Crematory a lot because of how different it is but I'd have to say my favorite is Despite of Desolation. It has good sampling and good breakdowns.

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